40: Skill-Stacking to Seven Figures with Pat Flynn

Pat Flynn takes on the generalist approach in an increasingly “niche” world and explains why skill stacking – combining many diverse skills into one unique whole – is a better and more realistic approach. In this approach, it’s ok to get bored of just one interest and it’s also ok to not be the very best at any one thing.

As Pat gears up to make his mark and take generalism to the next level, who should he focus his new approach on so that it can have the biggest influence and turn into a real movement? Tune in to find out and join in!

39: Uncomfortable is OK with Chris Desmond

We often consider the opposite of pain to be pleasure, but in reality it’s comfort- and that desire for comfort keeps many people stuck in negative or less than ideal professional situations. Today we’re joined by Chris Desmond who show us, with a blend of physiological and psychological insight, that being uncomfortable is not only OK, but actually leads to growth and happiness.

38: Unorthodox Leadership Transformation with Roger Nierenberg

Most high level business people are very guarded and super planned. That’s one of the reasons why a surprising, creative and immersive experience can be transformative not only for us regular folk- but the leaders of Fortune 100 companies and above. Roger Nierenberg took his love for classical music, and his desire to make it more widely listened to and created an incredible leadership transformation experience for leaders around the world. We also discuss the benefits of the Japanese Kaizen system for business systems and how to scale your small business from stage 2 to 3.

37: Magical Business Building Blocks with Dennis Friebe

“The best way to build up your business is while getting paid.” Magician Dennis Friebe (Kardenni) takes us on his journey from HS Magic Shows to featured at Disney’s Magic Kingdom, illustrating how small, profitable steps over many years can launch a high-level career. We also discuss the right time to hire, and how to hire when you only need sporadic assistance and don’t want to pay for regular staff.

36: Viral Video 101 with the Content Queen Herself, Shay Rowbottom

If you want to make it on social media today, you need video. And if you REALLY want to make it, you need some viral video. I’m so grateful to the queen of viral video, Shay Rowbottom, who pulled back the curtain on how to create, title, caption and launch viral videos on platforms from Facebook to LinkedIn. If you were ever wondering what makes one thing go viral over another, this is a must listen.